Friday, April 10, 2009


as promised, this is my list of orders:

Vic- Snail Laptop Cozy
Amber- Pirate iPod Cozy & Hippie Slouch bag
Erin- diaper bag
Kristen- Socktopus
Suzie- Parrot

Angel- Robot Tote
(one is a gift for someone that shall remain under wraps)

*update (4.13): Kristen's Socktopus is complete, and 1 Sock Monkey down for RaRFA!

meanwhile, I just wanted to share some pics I shot yesterday while in the garden playing w/ my new Lensbaby:


  1. is that dog yours? i used to have a female boxer but she died of cancer in feb :(
    i swear it's the only dog race i really really like lol.

  2. yes it is! that's my EmJay. she is my first Boxer- and I am SOLD.

    I'm sorry to hear about your loss. :( we lost a dog last June and we still aren't over it. *sigh*
